Well what a day on Saturday.

Push Ups for Charity Armidale was sensational.

Sam Brown punched out 95 for the men and Del Smidt led the women with 72.

Melissa Jubb was absolutely on fire raising in excess of $3,000.00 through her pledges.

I expect once all the money comes in from the pledges that we should double our $5,000.00 goal.

I must say to all involved that it was a massive effort to get those sort of pledge donations.

It was also great to talk to you all and hear that most of you could not wait to do it again. Don’t worry you will be able to when we run it again next year.

And also those that missed out because they were away or could not make it you also will get another chance to have a go next time.

All the local businesses that got behind this event really need a huge pat on the back and we should all support them as much as we can especially leading in to Christmas.

Well I best go and start collecting my pledges.

Again thank you so much to all that got involved and really made PUC the charity event that it is.

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