How long does it take to make a difference?

How long does it take to make a difference?

Every day on television, in the papers or in a magazine there are so many new and improved ways to get you fit and healthy.
There are infomercials telling you the latest gadget will give you rock hard abs in only 3 minutes a day! If you use our shakes and meal replacements you can lose 5 or 6 kilos this week!
Well to tell you the truth if it sounds too good to be true; it probably is.
So how long does it take to get great fatloss results and the fitness you desire? The answer really is how long is a piece of string?
There is no “magic” amount of time for you to achieve your fitness and health goals. It comes down to so many factors. Each and every one of us on the planet is different, we all have different genetic makeups, different metabolic rates and different motivation levels.
The first thing we have to get our heads around is that getting fit and healthy is not a quick fix band aid solution. We may not see the results we desired in the first 6 months, but that is no reason to give in and just stop. It may take a lot longer than that, and truth be told it probably will. It is important that you know when you start on a healthy lifestyle program that it is actually that, something that you can incorporate into your lifestyle, something that you can do for the rest of your life.
Now I am not trying to put a dampener on it all for you, but just trying to be realistic. I am so sick of seeing all these “quick” fixes advertised everywhere and we still have growing waistlines. I encourage you to read all you can and do your research before taking on the next “diet craze” or ab exercise machine that promises so much in so little time, with virtually no effort.
What you need to do is set down some goals, make them realistic, work out how bad you want them and then work out how to get to them. Without a map we cannot find where we are going. Make sure you have a good support team that is really just as determined as you to get you where you want to be. Then allow yourself the time to get there, don’t put limitations on yourself. Our only limit is our own mind.
If you commit to something for at least 21 days you will start to form a habit, if you stick with it after about 12 weeks it will be set into what you normally do.
So to answer the question, to see real results, that you can expect to maintain for as long as you want you are going to need at least 12 weeks. That is only 3 months.
Think for a minute what has happened in the last 3 months, earthquakes around the world, a royal wedding, and scandals in American politics. If all this has happened what can you accomplish in the next 3 short months? And more to the point what is stopping you?


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